Whimsical whirrings
I'm digging to the glove box
I thought I had a map in here
The driver's door doesn't lock
I bought the car my junior year
There's candy in my backpack
And you can pick a soundtrack
We're headed from the East Coast tonight
So pack your bags and hold on tight
'Cause we're taking off
We're taking off
Run away with me
We're on the way to New York City
Take my hand and see
Manhattan never looked so pretty
Travel light and see the world right
You'll never know if you never go so
Run away with me
And say hello to New York City
Sometimes there are whimsical whirrings in my brain. They can be in the form of pretty music about adventure, or something curious like a magpie fledgling learning to fly. It's those small things that remind me of the pockets of beauty, simplistic happiness, and innocence that still occurs in this fallen world. To me, they are pockets of heaven and what is yet to come.
Over half a year ago, I posted about the infatuation with my new city, but time has shown me that in all places, there are unique joys and hardships. I've calmed down to become more of a realist. I remember why I chose to move to Adelaide in particular - it's known to be a city of churches, but relatively fewer solid Christians than Sydney. I had hoped to participate in a local church to encourage them and, in turn, also learn and be encouraged. I desired to, during my time of studying and carving out my amateur research nursing career, to give my colleagues, peers, and patients a taste of heaven and point them to their wonderful Creator, Redeemer and Heavenly Father.
On reflection half a year on, the ideal did not happen much and my life is mostly in shambles. My grades are flying high and I have a delightful time on placements with my patients, but I still sometimes get status anxiety about finding my hopes in romantic relationships and work stability. Work and romantic relationships can be wonderful within their created purpose, but they shouldn't be feared or obsessed with because that's idolisation. I especially used the former to compensate for my heart crushing failure in the latter during my most vulnerable time. I'm struggling to find my sense of humour and light-heartedness again, but at least God has pointed out the idols in my life that fail to stand the test of eternity.
Find your small glimpses of heaven my friend. Know that Christ walks with you as God and friend through all seasons.
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