Gastronomical #1

If there's one thing snap happy, tech savvy youngsters like myself are good at, it's photo-documenting every morsel of food we eat and sharing it on Instagram. It doesn't matter if it tastes like cardboard because all food tastes the same on Instagram. Presentation is key. Anyhow, I scrolled through my old photos agains to give proper reviews. Enjoy this mini series of instagram-esque photos + restaurant reviews, bon appétit! 

Whenever we had a rough day in optics tute at uni or it was someone's birthday, a few of my friends and I would head to Town Hall Westfields after class to get our fix of heart-warming, though undeniably expensive fix of ramen.

The service here is lovely and they give you fold-up boxes to place your bags and valuables in rather than on the floor.

Seared Salmon Sushi ($13)
"Bite-sized termari salmon sushi served with mentai mayo sauce and avocado."
I enjoyed how layered the flavours were, with the perfectly seared salmon's aroma to the fish roe and smooth avocado to the sticky sushi rice and the tangy, delectable sauce. It was very clean to eat because it was bite-sized so I was disappointed at how quickly my friends and I finished them.

Tori Shoyu Ramen ($15)
"Toped with original chicken chashu, menma, leeks, naruto and nori. Chicken broth blended with special bonito extract. Served with medium wavy noodles."
If Ippudo was more frugal with their salt shaker, I'd enjoy their ramen and rice more. Nevertheless, the Tori Shoyu is one of my favourites there for several reasons. Leeks and bamboo shoots are one of my all time favourite side munchies in a meal and they cook their chicken tenderly so the texture is nice. The serving size is perfect to fill you up and a little more if you have a medium appetite like mine.

Unagi Gohan ($11)
"Grilled Japanese eel on rice with original Kabayaki sauce."
Again with the too-salty problem. Somebody call the sodium police! But other than that, the taste was well balanced and mashing the eel and sauce into the fluffy rice makes a pretty grand concoction. I've always enjoyed adding a little flavour to my rice so this was something I liked. Another plus was that this was served in a stone bowl. More than playing a role in pretty presentation, stone bowls dry up and make some grains of rice on the sides crunchy. This always makes things interesting.
Ippudo Pork Bun ($4 each)
"Steamed bun with braised pork and IPPUDO original sauce."
Let's face it. This is the real reason why anybody goes to Ippudo. I cannot give this bun a higher rating than it already has and it certainly lives up to the hype. Unlike my bun steaming nightmares where the bottom always goes soggy these ones never do that. They're soft and well balanced in flavour and I can't get enough of the addictive sauce they add to the juicy pork. Add leaf of lettuce to give a refreshing palate and perfecto!

Ippudo Sydney on Urbanspoon


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