
(1) Dandelion seeds (2) IKEA catalogue (3) My quail 'Quail' (4) My quail 'Baked'  (5) More Dandelions

Hello Spring! Hello sunshine, strawberries and sunscreen! The greeting is delayed but this creature of winter has been slow in waking up from hibernation in her wee little hobbit hole.

It's pretty sweet to be welcomed into September by the Ikea 2014 catalogue and imagine the picturesque home I want to create. However, when looking at the catalogue again, I pondered what made IKEA homes stand out so acutely from ordinary 'neat'. Then I spotted it: the lack of human subjects. So friends, if you wonder what post-apocolyptic fantasy worlds might be like, just flip open your glossy Ikea catalogue.

Recently I pulled my first all nighter to cram for exams then got sick for two weeks after that. The aftermath of all nighters is like being hit by a train, Eren Yeager from 'SNK' bursting out of a titan AND Walter White from 'Breaking Bad' finding out that he has cancer all rolled into one. Yes I'm a bit of a nutter but all is well and life's fantastic again. So the moral of the story is to live a regular lifestyle and moderate caffeine intake. 

Speaking of caffeine, Annie Li and I have been on a quest to find the best matcha latte in Sydney. From they places we've tried so far, the best (to me) is from Tom n Toms - a sweetness level that my delicate Asian tastebuds can tolerate and an adequate green tea aroma.

Caffeine aside, mid-sem breaks are finally on now woohoo! Beach outings, sleeping in, tv watching, cooking, movie/food/shopping dates with friends, being a bookworm and sipping tea all day long have really spoilt me. My hipster 'godparents' and their nephew came to visit for the weekend so it's been crazy fun so far. But I have to find time to study and make up for the failed exam. There's also new furniture to assemble, a garden to weed and winter wardrobes to pack away. After selling my Eyeball ticket out of unfortunate circumstances I've fully embraced the pathetic truth that I secretly enjoy the milder, grandmotherly lifestyle. A few birthdays coming up so that'll liven things up later in the week. 

With the beautiful weather lately, it's high time to get that cycle on! Check this out [link].

I'll leave you with a lovely biblical passage that a friend gifted in response to my occasional queuing-up-at-Centrelink-for-the-dole-should-become-a-real-occupation attitude:

What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.  I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him. 
Ecclesiates 3:9-14

Until next time amigos!


p.s. look forward to recipes, beach, park, style and beauty product reviews and other tid bits in the upcoming posts!


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